Thursday, 7 June 2018

Cultural Diversity and its role in Adapting to Studies in Japan.

The ability to successfully learn with students who come from a culture or cultures other than our own; entails developing certain personal and interpersonal awareness and sensitivities, understanding certain bodies of cultural knowledge, and mastering a set of skills that, taken together, underlie effective cross-cultural learning and culturally responsive awareness.

The matrix of functions on the role of enabling cultural diversity can be multi-dimensional, involving several key stakeholders, ranging from teachers, students and the University support staff. For example, teachers must become more fully student-centered and inclusive of the voices and experiences of the students while students must learn the truth about history even if it may be painful or produce controversy. Every student must be prepared to competently participate in an increasingly intercultural society. When students learn to recognize and appreciate the differences they see in others, they learn more about themselves.

One of the key practices to building cultural integration in Japanese Universities is anchored on the pillar of building teams and working in groups. For the case of Nagasaki University, in the water and Environmental Engineering Master course; a mixture of students coming from Uganda, Japan, Kenya, Thailand, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Peru and Korea are evenly distributed to each group. When students from diverse backgrounds and experiences work together, the differences among them enrich the group discussion and overall experience for the group.

It is also worthy to mention that the individual skills that come with each of the group members helps to supplement and compliment on the overall group kills and serves to build the confidence of group members. For example, some of the students are very good at Japanese while others are good at English. Continued interactions among students has helped the non-Japanese natives to ably adapt to living in Japan, where Japanese is the most commonly preferred language of communication. On the other hand, the Japanese students get a chance to practice their English language skills while communicating with the English-speaking students. 

How about joining a students’ club? Oh wow, this another amazing activity to join when in Nagasaki University. So many clubs namely; dancing club, sports club, art and design club; are open to new entrants. These are stress relieving moments to share and learn from new students.  Am getting good at Zumba dance courtesy of the dancing club. It’s quite different from our way of dancing back home in Uganda, but it was worth the try. 

The University community of Nagasaki is more involved and supportive through their Liaison centre for international students. The diverse cultures in the students’ community are valued and celebrated through get together parties, sports, motivational talks, club gatherings and several other activities that involve outreach programmes to high school students in Nagasaki.

I would therefore advise everyone to embrace cultural diversity with positivity because the fruits are more. The students can become unified by embracing the differences and thus making their life in Japan memorable.
Writer: Ronald Katalo