Wednesday, 4 April 2018

March temptation

Before doing anything, I want to wish happy Easter to all my Christians friends. In my country people are used to share a special dish named “Ngallakh” made with peanut butter. I missed this custom but anyway I did other activities here in Nagasaki with friends of mine. Therefore, my friends and I was invited in a restaurant by Japanese friends from Nagasaki to eat seafood like oysters. We really enjoyed that food even though I was used to eat it in Senegal, the way they make it here is special. Everybody seats around a table and everyone cooks it by himself. Thus, I also enjoyed a discussion with a Japanese couple I met in a restaurant. The old guy was very kind with me. He took me as his own son and gave me many advices about life, like I should believe to myself whatever happen. Everyone in this life is given a mission; the thing is to discover this mission and to accomplish it as soon as possible in order to leave a mark before joining the sky. Although I really like how this month ended. I went in Isahaya to support the Ghanaian female soccer team versus Japanese team. The match was amazing. Before entering the stadium, the ambiance around was just grandiose, everyone wanted to take picture with us (Africans). Japanese people were showing respect and admiration for us. So, inside the enclosure of the stadium it was another schema with Japanese supporters singing for their team pushing them to give the best they can in the other side it was us who also was supporting Ghanaian team even if our number was not comparable to the Japanese one we made it fun. At the end Japanese team won the match but Ghanaian girls didn’t t demerit indeed. This month was very rich in events and new meetings hope it going to be more interesting in the future. 
Picture taken from the transcosmos stadium
Picture taken from a restauran with a japanese couple
Author: SIDY KA (Cassidy)